Friday, January 4, 2013

Google + Hangouts ...

have been an intriguing development from one of the masters of the dataverse.  As Google has acquired more assests and shared them with a broader audience, it has opened all sorts of portals of sharing and dissemination (while these are potentially redundant terms, I look at them as conjoined in either participation or merely broadcasting).

Could Google be the next, largest LMS/CMS?  In what ways can we use the opportunities for openness to our own best advantage?  Do we care about the data retrieval aspect of the service?  Why or why not?

For myself, tis not the answers that are important as much as the larger questions they afford.  How can too much information impact what we do and how we perceive the larger world?  While exchange of information and ideas can be beneficial, it can also create major challenges,  even personal and global fears and danger.  What are the best ways to approach the use of our digital identities and the sharing of ideas and research?

 A question recently posed in the educational realm asked what challenges we might have encountered with our CMC11 MOOC in global communication among the participants and it would be helpful to know what your responses are ...  
" negotiating meaning inter-culturally online, without proper facilitation, can lead to increasing stereotyping and can even decrease cross-cultural sympathy and understanding."  

What are your thoughts on our intercultural communication in CMC11?  Keep in mind that we have been a globally open and participatory venue in the exploration of new and personal  learning networks. We would love to hear your thoughts and of your experiences along these lines.  Thanks.

BTW the next Google + Hangout will be held over the weekend of 12 January 2013 ... check the CMC11 Newsletter during the coming week for exact date and time.  More on the dataverse in coming posts ...


  1. I think that the biggest challenge to intercultural communication online is the sense of disconnect and lack of a sense of accountability that people have when they are using digital means of communication. Time and time again people post comments into the void that they would never think to say to someone personally or even about someone in a social situation. There is a sense that if they say it electronically morality and accountability no longer apply. As a result, people post extreme views that tend to be gross generalizations and polarizing as a result. Intercultural conflicts that do not exist or are in the process of being resolved can flare up as a result. I think the biggest challenge for the digital age of communication going forward is how to make users exhibit the same discretion they would use in a physical context and, when they fail to, how to hold them accountable for the consequences of this failure.

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