Monday, May 21, 2012

 A few days ago Vanessa Vaile posted the following website in the CMC11 Facebook group ...

I keep going back to the site and finding new "stuff" to mull over and thought, perhaps, the site might offer some interesting thinking for those of you exploring and discovering "stuff"  in CMC11.  My own journey in this MOOC has opened so many new vistas and sent me on many new adventures.  Vanessa is a wonderful researcher and continues to share her prodigious findings ... and I am grateful.

Perhaps there will be something here that might spark a blog or more from those of you who are lurking, or just not sure what to write or why :-)  There is so much to mull over and review, put in the incubator and then ...

"Pretending you know what you're doing is almost the same as knowing what you are doing, so just accept that you know what you are doing even if you don't and do it."

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Have you chased your dreams ... ?

Be willing to chase your dreams ... Exploration and Discovery offer so many opportunities for the future.  Creativity can offer you the flexibility to recognize and pursue opportunities for the journey of discovery as underscored in the following video.